Stepping into Adulthood: Dealing with Anxiety and Uncertainty

Many of us spend much of our childhood waiting to grow up and rushing time until we can make our own decisions. Stepping into adulthood should be an exciting time, filled with new experiences and a new level of freedom.

a sad young man

What most of us don’t realize until we’re here is that this journey can also be stressful and daunting due to all the newness. Experiencing anxiety surrounding adulting is not uncommon.

The beauty of the situation is that there are plenty of strategies out there to cope with your anxiety and steps you can take to prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Learn to Embrace Change

Becoming an adult means the beginning of many changes. It’s going to be a time of transition. You’ll be starting your career. You will be in charge of your finances for the first time. You may find yourself moving to a new city or renting an apartment of your own.

In this time of change, you can resist it or embrace it. If one thing is certain, change is inevitable. By choosing to embrace change and open yourself up to new opportunities, you will learn to be more resilient and adaptable. These are great qualities to have for the many challenges you’ll encounter over the course of your lifetime.

Structure Your Responsibilities

Adulting isn’t all fun and games. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed with the amount of work that you will now be responsible for. To keep your anxiety low and your to-do list manageable, establish some structure around your responsibilities.

Break bigger tasks down into smaller ones. Prioritize your to-do list by things that are most urgent or important. Much of your anxiety may stem from the unknown and uncertainty that comes with being an adult. This structure can increase your control over your schedule.

Educate Yourself About Finances

One of the biggest sources of anxiety when entering into adulthood is finances. Do yourself a favor and increase your financial literacy. Future you will thank you.

Evaluate your bills, spending, and income to create a realistic budget. Prioritize having a savings account for a rainy day. Learn about basic investing options, whether it’s retirement accounts, stocks, or real estate. Having a true understanding of your financial situation will help you live within your means while also preparing for your future.

Establish Routines

Routines can be important for keeping anxiety under control during a time when you feel like you have little of it. Routines give you a sense of predictability and stability throughout your day. It’s one constant you know you can count on.

Get yourself on a schedule for waking up in the morning and going to bed at night. Try to keep meal times consistent each day. Reserve time for getting in daily or weekly exercise. Don’t forget to pencil in routine social time to reset.

Practice Self-Care

Stepping into adulthood is a busy time. In the midst of all the chaos, it can be easy to forget to prioritize yourself and your basic needs. When your mind and body become worn down, your anxiety can flare up.

Make sure you’re taking time to do things you enjoy like reading, crafting, cooking, walking, hiking, or any other hobby of interest. Reserve time for relaxation and recharging.

Seek Support

Anxiety is very common, especially with the transition into adulthood for young adults. You don’t have to go through this experience alone. Reach out to friends who are on this journey with you. Turn to the adults in your life who have already experienced this transition.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, professional support may be an outlet for you to explore. Learn more about your anxiety and fears of the future by reaching out to me.


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